Abandoned Court House

About this Abandoned Court House

This vacant, abandoned and crumbling courthouse is a neoclassical building, built in 1911.  It served the province and the community for many decades, seeing several high level court cases, including one in which a local nurse who had taken the life of her toddler.

Unoccupied since the fall of 2015, it also previously served as a Police School which held courtroom simulations. 

The courthouse has been listed as a heritage site by the city 2012. This means that new buyers will have to take into account certain restrictions when undertaking their work.

For sale since the summer of 2016, it has recently found a buyer, private contractors for a housing project.

The new buyers will have to preserve the appearance of the building and respect its original style at all times.  There are trees on the exterior that also cannot be disturbed, there is also asbestos in the building materials that will have to be carefully removed prior to any work being done.

The building was completely renovated during the 1960s. From the mid-1980s, several interior renovations were carried out. In 1995, the windows were all replaced.

While the building was entirely empty, it was a very enjoyable exploration with the large courtroom that still contained all of the original details.  The decay and peeling paint in other rooms also added to this experience, this was a unique opportunity that I am happy to have the chance to explore.

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