Traditional Photography by Canadian Photographer, Freaktography
Traditional photography, as a Canadian Photographer I have access to many excellent photography opportunities from all over Ontario to Toronto as well as photography in Montreal and Vancouver. Â While I spend most of my time photographing decay, abandonment and rooftopping, I will often play around with more traditional photography. Â I regularly practice techniques such as composition, minimalism, landscape, framing, street photography and much more.
ontario pond tree reflection 2024
A simple scene in a small town in Upstate New York.
The Bruce Trail along the Niagara Escarpment in Burlington, Ontario.
A temporary lookout point at the site of a future condo development in Burlington, Ontario.
Standing in the shadow of an Ontario wind turbine.
Spencers Reflection Pool. Burlington Photography
Misty field in Burlington, Ontario.
Pouring a pint at the Queens Head Pub in Burlington Ontario. Images in and around Burlington Ontario, Burlington Photography by Freaktography
Vancouver Rooftopping Photography
The Burlington/Hamilton Ontario Lift Bridge
Spencer Smith Park in Burlington, Ontario
Fog blankets most of southern Ontario on a sunday afternoon in Canada.
The Toronto city skyline on a cloudy night in june 2016
The sun rises over Rushford Lake in Upstate New York.
Here’s a few more photos from one of my favourite places to spent some downtime with family.
Stay safe out there this weekend,
Found somewhere along a rural highway is this Abandoned Ontario House in the middle of a large wheat Field.
I’m back after getting married on July 16th and then an amazing honeymoon at the iberostar grand hotel bavaro hotel in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

This is an early morning punta cana sunrise.
A fishing boat found along a beach in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
An early morning beach sunrise in Punta Cana
Window reflection taken inside the billboard tower at the atrium on bay at yonge and dundas in toronto, ontario.
Construction of this large cathedral began in 1984, designed by an English architect best known for the restoration of Westminster Abbey. 

The exterior has a granite finish and 14-storey bell towers. The cupolas that sit atop the cathedral are plated in 22-karat gold.

The story of why this cathedtral remains unfinished would take far too long to tell here, you can research this by doing a search for “Slovak Cathedral of Transfiguration”

Being in the area last night I was excited that my timing was perfect, the sun was setting directly behind the cathedral and as I set up to shoot, the sun appeared through one of the bell tower windows.
On a cold autumn morning in Burlington, Ontario.
I had hoped for a morning sunrise shot but instead I got dark cloudy skies and rain falling from the sky way off in the distance.
The dark sky and rain clouds blocked the sunrise on this wet autumn morning at the pier in Burlington, Ontario
On a rainy autumn morning at Spencer Smith Park in Burlington Ontario. The calm water of the reflecion pond reflects the cloudy sky
In the neighbourhood known as Milcroft in Burlington, Ontario
Beautifully landscaped with an 18 hole golf course and a highly sought after place to live it’s one of the nicest neighbourboods in the city
Sitting on the front porch of an Eaton Catalogue House near Scott, Saskatchewan. You can see the haze in the air from the Alberta wild fires
This was the only time I saw the auroras during my time in Saskatchewan.
I was in Regina and headed out of the town in hopes of time lapsing the milky way, but the skies ended up being a bit too hazy
But they were just clear enough to give me a short glimpse of the northern lights!
This picture was taken on my 1st night at a location half way between Saskatoon and the Manitoba border
It was the only night that I would get a bright starry sky l and the Milky Way was brighter to the naked eye than I had ever seen before.
Ghost Town of Neidpath Saskatchewan
Ghost Town of Neidpath Saskatchewan
Neidpath, Saskatchewan, traces its origins back to 1909 when the first post office was established on the postmaster, John Mitchell’s farm, later relocating to the village in 1924.
Saskatchewan Abandoned Car 2023
pronghorn antelope saskatchewan
big muddy valley saskatchewan
little hardy lake algonquin park back country camping 2023
little hardy lake algonquin park back country camping 2023
RBG April 2024
RBG April 2024
RBG April 2024
RBG April 2024
RBG April 2024
RBG April 2024
RBG April 2024
RBG April 2024
RBG April 2024
lakefront park kissimmee florida sunrise april 27th 2024
lakefront park kissimmee florida sunrise april 27th 2024
lakefront park kissimmee florida sunrise april 27th 2024
lakefront park kissimmee florida sunrise april 27th 2024
lakefront park kissimmee florida sunrise april 27th 2024
lakefront park kissimmee florida sunrise april 27th 2024
lakefront park kissimmee florida sunrise april 27th 2024
lakefront park kissimmee florida sunrise april 27th 2024
lakefront park kissimmee florida sunrise april 27th 2024
lakefront park kissimmee florida sunrise april 27th 2024