Abandoned Cemetery in Canadas Largest Ghost Town - Anyox, BC
Exploring the Forgotten Cemetery in the Abandoned Ghost Town of Anyox BC
The copper mining town of Anyox, BC was in operation between 1914 and 1935, during this time, the town saw 480 births, 160 marriages and 320 deaths.
Many of the deaths in Anyox were stillborn babies and infant deaths, largely due to the toxic emissions from the smelter and the large-scale cyanide waste.
Additionally, The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic is evident in the number of deaths in Anyox at that time. During the epidemic, incoming ships brought the Spanish Flue into Anyox from those arriving on the ships.
When the First World War began in 1914, the Granby Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company promised Anyox men who enlisted in the Canadian Armed Forces that they could have their jobs back when they returned from their tour of duty.
Approximately 400 Granby company employees from Anyox left and fought in the First World War with 25 to 30 dying in combat, over 100 injured and just 50 or 60 soldiers returned.
Granby Consolidated Mining Company made a promise to veterans that they would be looked after and also receive a proper burial.
Each veteran’s gravesite is marked with a rectangular cement outline with four corner posts and a commemorative concrete helmet.
Thank You to Rob Bryce of Northern BC Jet Boat Tours for making this trip possible, see Rob’s website to book your tour to Anyox or many other remote locations that he offers.
Inside the Forgotten Anyox Cemetery
Exploring the Forgotten Cemetery in the Abandoned Ghost Town of Anyox BC
The copper mining town of Anyox, BC was in operation between 1914 and 1935, during this time, the town saw 480 births, 160 marriages and 320 deaths.
Many of the deaths in Anyox were stillborn babies and infant deaths, largely due to the toxic emissions from the smelter and the large-scale cyanide waste.
Additionally, The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic is evident in the number of deaths in Anyox at that time. During the epidemic, incoming ships brought the Spanish Flue into Anyox from those arriving on the ships.
When the First World War began in 1914, the Granby Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company promised Anyox men who enlisted in the Canadian Armed Forces that they could have their jobs back when they returned from their tour of duty.
Approximately 400 Granby company employees from Anyox left and fought in the First World War with 25 to 30 dying in combat, over 100 injured and just 50 or 60 soldiers returned.
Granby Consolidated Mining Company made a promise to veterans that they would be looked after and also receive a proper burial.
Each veteran’s gravesite is marked with a rectangular cement outline with four corner posts and a commemorative concrete helmet.
Thank You to Rob Bryce of Northern BC Jet Boat Tours for making this trip possible, see Rob’s website to book your tour to Anyox or many other remote locations that he offers.
Exploring the Abandoned Anyox Ghost Town Cemetery
My experience of visiting the abandoned Anyox cemetery was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. As I navigated the lightly worn path down that branches off of, what used to be, Hill Street I was filled with anticipation. Knowing that I was sharing this forest with bears added to my already heightened senses. I had no idea how far I would be walking, all I knew was that if I keep on this trail – eventually I will start seeing the headstones.
It was about a 10 minute hike before I finally spotted the unmistakable tilted grave of Julia Omar, the silence was deafening. The surroundings were suddenly dead silent, with the exception of some birds off in the distance. The Rangers, in addition to the two lone occupants of Anyox, Kevn and Robbie, have done a great job of clearing the forest, marking a trail with deadfall and maintaining the cemetery.

When the First World War began in 1914, the Granby Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company promised Anyox men who enlisted in the Canadian Armed Forces that they could have their jobs back when they returned from their tour of duty.
Approximately 400 Granby company employees from Anyox left and fought in the First World War with 25 to 30 dying in combat, over 100 injured and just 50 or 60 soldiers returned.
Granby Consolidated Mining Company made a promise to veterans that they would be looked after and also receive a proper burial.
Each veteran’s gravesite is marked with a rectangular cement outline with four corner posts and a commemorative concrete helmet.I instantly started spotting the World War 1 soldiers’ graves, marked by the concrete cast helmets and 4 corner posts. Some graves of civilians were marked with tombstones but many of the graves here are simply a mound of earth with no marker to identify the dead.
The most prevalent grave in the Anyox cemetery is that of “Julia Omar” who died December 7, 1925 after she had been in ill health for a long time. In 1926 when her husband Omar left Anyox for his home country of Spain, he had Julias casket dug up, shipped to spain and reinterred there. This explains why the large elaborate stone grave marker sits the way it does.
One of the first headstones you will come across when entering the cemetery is that of Wilfred Sheldon Teabo, a young boy who tragically fell into Falls Creek while throwing rocks. His older brother who was with him attempted to jump into the water to save him. He was held back by men nearby as he would have met a certain death as well as a result of the toxic cyanide in the water as well as the currents.

I could only imagine what it was like to stumble upon this many decades ago before it was cleared, I have read that you would have never known where you were as there was so much deadfall and overgrowth.
Today, bright green moss coats all of the mounds, the graves and the tombstones and the subtle sound of a distant waterfall and singing birds fills the air.
I stayed in this location for, what felt like hours, filming videos, taking photos, sitting, contemplating, wandering, and exploring. I didn’t want to leave, but I also felt maybe I overstayed my welcome.
Just as I considered staying longer, right behind me a widowmaker dropped from a large tree. A widowmaker is a large dead branch that falls from the tall mature trees, surely to make a widow of the wives of the poor man who’s head has been struck by the falling branch. This was my sign to leave, but I would have to come back here again before this trip was over.
Thank You to Rob Bryce of Northern BC Jet Boat Tours for making this trip possible, see Rob’s website to book your tour to Anyox or many other remote locations that he offers.
Thank You to Kevin, Robbie, Atlas and Phoenix for your hospitality and for welcoming me into your home for one week.
Thank you to Baerskin Tactical Company for providing the clothing that kept me warm, dry and comfortable on this trip!