Abandoned Crematory and Funeral Home Raided By Police

Abandoned Crematory Raided By Police

Abandoned Crematory and Funeral Home Raided By Police

In June of 2021, local law enforcement conducted a surprise raid on this funeral home and crematorium after an anonymous complaint came in about the facility. The complaints alleged heavy smoke was coming from the crematory chimney, bodies were awaiting cremation and not being properly stored and bodily fluids were leaking onto the floor of the facility.

Due to the number of bodies that were found inside the funeral home, the authorities were forced to call in the assistance of several local licensed funeral homes from the surrounding area.

In 2018, the owner and operator of this establishment had his mortuary science license and the mortuary science establishment license revoked based on violations of the Occupational Code and other health and safety laws.

Previously, this same owner and operator lost his license due to allegations of decomposing bodies, blood-stained caskets and complaints about employees working without protective gear at another of his similar facilities. This forced the shutdown of that facility and revoked his second mortuary science license.

Following the closing of this first facility and the licence being revoked, he was no longer eligible to hold a controlling interest in a cemetery or crematory. But officials say he purchased the crematory in this location in early 2020.

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