Abandoned Cult Compound and Orphanage

abandoned cult compound orphanage photos

While on a road trip earlier this year with my friend s0s1nc3r3 we stumbled upon what looked like a large abandoned cult compound.

After a bit of snooping around, it was determined to be abandoned and totally vacant with a way inside.

Once inside we couldn’t believe what we were seeing, dozens upon dozens of rooms with desks, beds, a fully in tact classroom a chapel and so much more.

We would come to learn that this was once an orphanage which was then sold to a cult with a history of violence and abuse towards its members.

Some pretty shocking information has come forward about this location, I have kept many details out in order to maintain the secrecy of the location, but some things I will say are;
The facility was purchased by an extreme religious organization, also known as a cult!
The organization was initially started as a schism off of the catholic church but they quickly devolved into abuse towards children and women.
Fortunately they were raided by the authorities and all the kids were removed never to return.
The organization did continue for a few more years and finally closed when their “pope” died.
The cult does however still exists in another location currently.
I also mention that it was some kind of an orphanage, but I’ve been corrected in that it was a place where children were separated from their families and lived separate from their parents.

2 thoughts on “Abandoned Cult Compound and Orphanage”

  1. Michelle Rebenchuk

    I’m also curious what the cult is called.
    Awesome find though!! I bet it was a little creepy being there!

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