Crazy Abandoned Cat Lady House with EVERYTHING Left Behind

This abandoned house tells the story of a reclusive woman who devoted her life to rescuing animals but faced years of struggles.

Inside, we uncover an untouched time capsule of her life, with belongings left exactly as they were.

Discover a surreal world of abandoned treasures, including vintage furniture, personal mementos, and traces of her deep love for cats.

This urbex adventure sheds light on the challenges she endured and the legacy she left behind

These pictures are all from the same bedroom in this abandoned cat lady house.

This was the only room in the house that didn’t have 2 feet of debris to stumble over and it was the only room that was still somewhat put together.

It seems to have been a teenage girls room, there were school books and a globe around the desk. On the dresser, perfume, makeup and other beauty products. There were also dolls, a record player and several old records and 45’s

I would go back to this house to see this room again

Cleaning The Bedroom