
Abandoned Church and Old School Abandoned Gym

Exploring an Abandoned Church And Old School Abandoned Gym

This feature abandoned location is an old abandoned church in a small town in Northern Ontario.
At some point the church was bought by a mining company and used as office space. All through the sanctuary there were desks, filing cabinets, pay stubs and all kinds of topographic maps from the area.
My favourite part was the basement where there was a very old school gym set up with weights, machines, cardio equipment and more.
I spent more time goofing off in the gym (which you can see in the video below) and I just shot the photos handheld. It was a quick stop and I didn’t care to take my time with pictures here.
This old school gym in the basement of an old abandoned church got me super excited!
I’ve been going to gyms my whole life, starting way back when I was a young little dude at the local Niagara Falls YMCA.
In the late 1990’s/early 2000’s I got into competitive bodybuilding and then in 2005 I started my dream job working for a major bodybuilding supplement company.
My job there was Manager of Talent Relations and my job was to sign professional athletes (mainly pro bodybuilders) to endorsement contracts, then I would manage the relationships. In that time I met, worked with, trained with and became friends with some of the top names in the world of professional bodybuilding.
And THAT is why I get so excited about finding abandoned gyms and gym equipment in abandoned places!
This gym was so old school, with rusty old weights, unsafe and unstable equipment, it was the kind of gym that I love training in.
So I did and I made part 2 of my silly instructional workout video series.

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