
Abandoned House of Antique and Vintage Finds | Urban Exploring with Freaktography

This is what I am calling Abandoned House of Antique and Vintage Find, but it’s actually two abandoned houses. The thing here is, I have driven by this property 100 times and only recently did I see that there were boards over the windows on the houses that were down a super long driveway.

Pulling in and looking around I found there were three abandoned houses on the property and a barn. All were totally sealed up, so I decided to come back another time and check.

I came back a few months later and discovered that one of the three houses was open, someone had yanked the entire doorframe off of the house and the board that was on it in order to gain entry to the house.

I entered and was immediately in an antique and vintage time capsule. SO MUCH amazing stuff left behind, EVERYWHERE!! Problem was, I was ill prepared and only had my cell phone on me, so I couldn’t do a proper explore and photo/video documentation.

A return visit is in order, I’ll come back and do it proper…..

Well, I waited far too long because by the time i finally got around to going back they had sealed the house up. RiddimRyder and Zenning with Zay managed to get there however, his photos and video are here:


Photo Gallery

It was not a total flop for me though because the second house on the property was open, it wasn’t AS good as the other one, but it had some damn good stuff inside!

So, here for your viewing pleasure is a 2 part abandoned video with my initial explore and discovery of house number 1 and my explore of house number 2.

Abandoned Antique and Vintage Finds | Abandoned House #1

Abandoned Antique and Vintage Finds | Abandoned House #2