Abandoned House with Toys

Three dolls inside the abandoned house of toys

The Abandoned House with Toys:

This house was spotted by RiddimRyder Photography on Google Maps while he was scouting other locations for a day of exploring we were planning for. This would come to be known as the abandoned house with toys.

Not looking like much from the outside it was quite clear that this home had been vacated or abandoned not long ago.  We almost passed it up as it seemed to be to new for our liking, however after finding an obvious way inside we stepped in just to see if there was anything worth shooting.  We quickly realized this was an abandoned house of toys, old retro toys from the late 70’s and early 80’s.  Old lunch pails, action figures, very old barbie dolls, books, old cameras.  This house was a retro toy collectors dream.

6 thoughts on “Abandoned House with Toys”

  1. All this stuff, it looks like my childhood, right down to the Fisherprice Movie Viewer. It was one of my favorite toys growing up, you can’t find one any more, for anything! It makes me feel slightly sad for whoever the kid was that owned this stuff, I know that that kid would be my age now, but I still feel sorry for them. May be one day they’ll stumble upon this site, who knows? (By the way this has just become my favorite new site find.)

  2. Raegan Maisey

    It just concerns me a bit that if you can break in, anyone could break in and loot, damage or destroy these abandoned homes.

  3. Frank McCormick

    I am really enjoying this site – your work is amazing and what really impresses me is the care you take to not disturb the places you find, and the obvious care you take to ensure the sites are not located by scrapper or those intent on defiling them. Congratulations!

    At the same time many of the photos evoke a lot of sadness in me and I am sure in others. The thought that keeps running through my wind is ” what a shame”.


  4. Love this site. Abandoned places have always fascinated me, and your photos are amazing. Looking at this house of toys one doll stands out – it was a Wendy Walker doll. I got it when I was about 5 and she was very special to me even though I was a tomboy, lol. The other toys date from the 70s and very early 80s. What I can’t get over with these houses is how on Earth are they these time capsules when taxes would, I think be way overdue. And where did their people go? How can these now grown children (let’s face, if not grandparents darned closed) not know their parents’ home is still there waiting to be loved again. Sad 🙁 I wish I knew the story behind all of these places.

  5. Someone needs to find that owner so those toys can be saved. Lucky Green, The large doll in the middle of the three dolls is a rare doll from Canada.

  6. lindsay abendroth

    How does one no it is abandoned ? Only in this house for instance that it looks like it still belongs to somone. It seems to have been to some extent and the belongings taken care of. I hope any relatives can be found to claim these wonderful things before someone comes in and takes them or destroys. Very sad. Absolutely love this site. Found it by accident . Beautiful work. Would love to do something like this. By the way does anyone no if they do look for realitives ?

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