abandoned music lovers time capsule house

abandoned music lovers time capsule house photos

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I tried entering this abandoned house years ago but could not get in without causing damage, so I left. Earlier this year someone broke in and this allowed explorers to go in and see it without causing damage.

Is entering the home after someone else cause the damage just as bad as causing the damage?

This house is full of artifacts from the owner’s music collection, spanning from the 1920s to the current day. The house is an interesting and unique example of a time capsule house, and we explore it in detail in this video!

Today we’re visiting an amazing abandoned time capsule house that was once lived in by a lover of music. Inside were several old albums, a piano, guitar cases and the person may have also been a music teacher.


1 thought on “abandoned music lovers time capsule house”

  1. Pingback: Exploring the Enchanting Time Capsule House of Musical Artifacts - Bluekingo

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