Exploring an Abandoned New York Power Plant | Abandoned Almost 20 Years | Industrial Urban Exploring
Exploring an Abandoned New York Power Plant | Abandoned Almost 20 Years | Industrial Urban Exploring
This Abandoned New York Power plant was built in the late 1940’s when the during a time when the hunger for electricity was rapidly increasing. The original design consisted of two boilers providing steam to a single turbine unit.
A few short years later two additional boilers were added to power a second turbine giving the plant a total output of 70MW. In the late 1980’s there was talks of converting the plat from coal burning into garbage burning however with a 50 million dollar price tag, it didn’t make it passed the planning stage.
By 2000 area residents were complaining about the increasing emissions from the plant. The plant owners blamed the increased emissions on high levels of sulfur in the coal & a state inspector was sent out & determined that the emissions violated federal standards.
Today the plant sits slowly decaying without a shred of hope of ever being powered back up again.
In 1948 this now abandoned power plant was built during a time of rapid expansion for the utility.
The power station was constructed with two boilers that provided steam to a single turbine generator, generating 87 MW.
Two additional boilers were added in 1952 to provide steam to another turbine generator, producing 40 MW. The completed 70 MW doubled NYSEG’s electrical output capacity.
The plant was placed on cold standby in August 2000 after residents complained of increased emissions. This was blamed by the ownership on the emissions on high-sulfur coal that did not meet the company’s standards.
Thanks to my friend Sherman from Abandoned With Sherman Cahal for the info above as featured on his website.
Sherman runs a great site with abandoned places from all over the United States and the time he puts into his history and details is always impressive.
Check out his website at http://abandonedonline.net
And follow his facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/abandonedonline, you’ll be glad you did!
I spent far too much time trying to figure out what the hell this thing is.
It was found at the very bottom level of an old abandoned pwer plant, closed almost 2 years ago.
Rusting Pipes beneath the turbine hall of an abandoned power plant closed nearly 20 years ago.
This was a very cool find in this old abandoned power plant.
As RiddimRyder and I made our way in and navigated our way around in the dark, the first spot we came to was this section with two old vintage Fire Extinguishers on wheels.
RiddimRyder and Freaktography posing in an Abandoned Power Plant for a bad ass Urbex Portrait!!
In January 2014 I took a self portrait in an abandoned power plant in Toronto, Ontario.
The power plant RiddimRyder and I explored this past weekend had many similarities to that plant in Toronto, so I decided to duplicate that original picture.
You can find that original photo from 2014 at this link below…
“Next motherfu#@er’s gonna get my metal”
I just knew when I found this giant cast iron tool that I would spend at least 10 minutes taking pictures with it!
From our last road trip, RiddimRyder and I headed to check out an abandoned power plant that has been closed for almost 20 years.
We headed out at absolutely stupid AM on the weekend that threatened a brutal ice storm, luckily for us the day was a success and there was no ice to be seen….until it was time to drive home that is!
Anyway, we’ll be seeing lots of this spot this week as I move away from the sylum for a while and move onto this spot.
This picture is about 25% of the total frame that actually made up this photo.
I was standing on the main level of an abandoned power plant with my camera down as low as I could get it so I could try and capture all 4 levels above in a very wide/vertical shot.
The shot ended up crooked as shit and very distorted. So, thanks to the wonders of Adobe Lightroom, I managed to straighten things out and zoom in on this crop of the second level.
The top of the image is a bit blurry from distortion but I think I managed to salvage the otherwise crooked shot into something interesting.
If there is is one thing that you can be guaranteed when exploring an abandoned industrial site it’s symmetry.
Every power plant or industrial factory I have explored is incedibly symmetrical and perfectly lined uo.
I often wonder as I am exploring these places if the factory workers who worked here for so many years ever stopped to notice and appreciate their surroundings. Maybe not to the degree that I and other photographers/explorers appreciate it, but maybe just a little bit??
I’ll be showcasing this location all week ending with a complete video of the explore of this abandoned power plant that closed almost 20 years ago.
This Abandoned New York Power plant was built in the late 1940’s when the during a time when the hunger for electricity was rapidly increasing.
The original design consisted of two boilers providing steam to a single turbine unit.
A few short years later two additional boilers were added to power a second turbine giving the plant a total output of 70MW.
In the late 1980’s there was talks of converting the plnat from coal burning into garbage burning however with a 50 million dollar price tag, it didn’t make it passed the planning stage.