Abandoned Northern Ontario High School | Freaktography | Urban Exploration
Abandoned Northern Ontario High School | Freaktography | Urban Exploration
This now vacant and abandoned High School in Northern Ontario was originally built to replace three older high schools in the area. In the 60s the school underwent a large expansion featuring a bigger addition than the size of the original school).
Sometime around 2005 planning for a replacement high school for the area began. This was due to the school having problems with asbestos as well as the building becoming dated with many repairs and upgrades needed. With the help of a government grant the new building began construction in early 2010.
Late in 2011 the newly built high school was opened and this old high school was left vacant.
In 2014 a vote was made to have the old abandoned high school demolished, then a last minute buyer came in and bought the land and the building.
It has been a popular location amongst urban explorers and abandoned enthusiasts and over the last few years has seen an extreme amount of vandalism.