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You guys are going to love this beautiful old Abandoned Ontario Cottage Style Time Capsule House
that I recently explored. It’s like the family just disappeared and left everything behind to decay in the house! I hope you enjoy this tour!
This abandoned Victorian time capsule farmhouse was extremely photogenic inside and out.
However, when I walked inside I was a bit let down to see how many things were just tossed, so I picked up a little bit and rearranged the furniture as it perhaps would have been.
This is a practice that I used to do all the time, these days I only do it if I feel the location really needs it – and this one did!
This style of house is known as an Ontario Farm House. They are their own style, literally unique to Ontario.
It’s closer to American Gothic/ Georgian with other flairs.
That Bay with the windows is sort of unique, don’t really see that. They’re usually squares/rectangles.
Inspired by American loyalist settlers.