Abandoned Ontario Jail Detention Centre Urban Exploration
Abandoned Ontario Jail and Detention Centre Urban Exploration
This Abandoned Ontario Jail and Detention Centre was originally built in the early 1960’s as a provincial mental health facility. In the mid 70’s it was changed to a facility for the Developmentally Handicapped, which closed in 1983. Two years after this closure the facility was given a multi-million dollar facelift to serve as a youth-only secure custody and detention centre.
The facility served the Community Safety and Correctional Services until early in 2012 when the facility was closed suddenly with no reason given or timeline for staff, it just closed down leaving over 200 people out of a job.
Research shows that at one point there were hundreds of inmates housed at the centre, but at the time of its closure it was operating at only 26 per cent capacity.
Through the 60’s and 70’s when the facility was a mental health facility at its peak he Psychiatric Hospital had approximately 300 employees. The patients were sent to institutions in larger centres and many eventually released as the Canadian government moved away from psychiatric hospitals, former staff stated that quite a few of the patients probably ended up on the streets without their medication.
Former staff have described the Psychiatric Hospital as one of the most progressive in the province, the superintendent of the hospital had even implemented the practice of keeping the doors of the hospital unlocked and allowing residents of the town to visit. This was done to try and dispel some of the stigmas about mental health.
The superintendent also established a number of employment programs, as known as “industrial therapy” to allow patients to earn somewhat of an income, learn skills and feel a sense of accomplishment.
The hospital was known for its wide variety of services, including wards for children, mothers suffering from post-partum depression and alcoholics.
From 2012 through to 2017 the Abandoned Ontario Jail and Detention Centre sat empty, power still running, heaters on, water still running and lights on, then in 2017 the military started using the facility for training purposes. As of December 2018 the military has used the facility for training three times, blowing holes in every possible wall and blowing doors off of every frame. I think it’s safe to sat that any possible re-use of this building is now impossible given the amount of damage done here by the military.
Now, the former psychiatric hospital and jail sits an empty shell of what used to be there, the basement is entirely flooded and water continues to rise above the ceiling of the basement, wooden boards cover the holes in the walls and the floors are riddled with training bullets and debris, and now a playground for Urban Explorers.
This is one of the main ranges in an abandoned jail in Ontario, Canada.
RiddimRyder, Carlo Paolozza and I took this trip a while back to finaly see this location that both RiddimRyder and I had attempted a number of times unsuccessfully.
The walk in was long and cold and once we finaly made our way inside we quickly realized how east it would be to lose eachother in the labrynth of hallways and wards.
It took us hours to finally locate this portion of the facility, with one central guard booth and two long ranges each with approximately 10 -12 cells.
This is just a quick preview of the location I will be featuring next week.
I figure this is a perfect place to start our week long tour or an abandoned jail/detention center located in Ontario, Canada.
This is one of two prisoner intake cells, just a small square cell with a seat and toilet and surrounded by plexiglass from the inside, my guess it that protects the prison staff from getting pelted with whatever bodily fluids the new prisoner tries to hurl at the guards!
Not shown in thi photo is also a shower with similar bars and plexiglass, there are also sheves labelled with the types and sizes of clothing that the new inmate will be issued.
Stay tuned this week for plenty more of this tour the abandoned jail/detention center along with my video on Wednesday.
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And don’t forget my fellow brothers RiddimRyder Photography and Carlo Paolozza
RiddimRyder Photography
Carlo Paolozza
In the main range of this abandoned jail and youth detention center, two cells that have not been destroyed yet by the Canadian militarys training sessions here.
Watch the video as we explore the entire facility:
And here is the complete write up and gallery:
This is a common area and TV room in one of two of the main ranges in this abandoned prison/youth offender institution.
The Canadian military has been using this facility for training and they have blasted holes in many of the walls, sending debris in all directions.
You can see my whole gallery here:
Have you ordered your 2019 Freaktography Calendars yet?
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And don’t forget my fellow brothers RiddimRyder Photography and Carlo Paolozza
RiddimRyder Photography
Carlo Paolozza
Talk about boring!
This is one of half a dozen isolation cells in the secure isolation unit of an abandoned prison and youth detention centre.
The cells consisted of this bed and a toilet/sink and each inmate was given the following:
– 1 Mattress
– 2 Blankets
– Daily Shower
– Daily time in the exercise yard
– Reading Material
Watch the video as we explore the entire facility:
And here is the complete write up and gallery: