Dangerous Journey Through an Abandoned House

In this dangerous and thrilling urban exploring video, urban explorers take a DANGEROUS journey through an abandoned house.

Watch as I explore this eerie and spooky abandoned house, and find out what strange and dangerous things we find along the way!

This abandoned house video is a great example of the urban exploring skills required for safety and explore an abandoned building that no one else has seen before.

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Abandoned House Video

About This Abandoned House

This abandoned house and property lists a demolition and construction company as the owners when searching the address online.

A document found online listing several development plans for the city list this as a property containing a potential heritage building, my assumption is that this is in regards to the house.

Further research shows that this Gothic Revival home was built in 1905 and was owned & lived in by the namesake of the road the home is on.

The Exterior

The Interior


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