Exploring The Abandoned House of a Reclusive Hoarder

Exploring The Abandoned House of a Reclusive Hoarder

Exploring The Abandoned House of a Reclusive Hoarder

This very old abandoned house, while beautiful and full of charm was once the home of a reclusive hoarder who stayed away from people at all costs and packed every room in the home with as much junk as possible.

This abandoned house was in such bad shape over the years that many explorers, myself included, mistook if for an abandoned house and actually tried to enter it, only to find the man inside sleeping on the couch.

One time my friend s0s1nc3r3 went to the house at night, walked in the open back door and started exploring. He opened a door and found the owner asleep on the couch with the TV on.

One time, RiddimRyder and I came here, we parked and headed the back of the long and overgrown yard. We spotted so much junk and a TV antenna that had fallen off of the roof. As we were about to open the door, we spotted the man inside watching CNN.

1 thought on “Exploring The Abandoned House of a Reclusive Hoarder”

  1. Elinor Hawke-Szady

    Do you know if anyone purchased the house/property and restored it? Someone should.

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