Freaktography Photograph Appears in the The Flash

Freaktography Image used in S1 E2 of Warner Brothers “The Flash”

In September of 2014 I received a  phone call that I never could have imagined would come my way.  Warner Brothers Studios in California called and wanted to licence one of my photographs for use in a television show they are working on.

The details were rough but they simply wanted to know if this is something that would interest me.  We talked numbers and usage and specifics and after a few phone calls the deal was done.  I would sell a photo I took while rooftopping in Toronto to be used as a scene background in episode 2 of The Flash.  The scene was done and over in seconds but was still extremely exciting to see how they used my photo.

The Synopsis for Episode 2 of Season 1 of The Flash states:

“Barry escorts Iris to a university gathering honoring scientist Simon Stagg. When six gunmen storm the event, Barry changes into The Flash and tries to stop them. While he does save a man’s life, he passes out before he can capture the robbers, which frustrates him. As Dr. Wells, Caitlin and Cisco scramble to find out what’s wrong with Barry, Joe comes down hard on Barry for taking the law into his own hands and risking his life. Barry realizes that it wasn’t six gunmen but a metahuman named Danton Black, who can make multiples of himself. Meanwhile, Iris becomes even more intrigued by the “red streak.”

The image was used as a background at the end of the episode where The Flash character tries to save the metahuman from falling to his death.  You can see in the images below what happens!