Living in Southern Ontario I am very lucky to be within a short driving distance to may unique filming locations for television shows and major movies.
One of the shows that films near me every year is The Handmaids Tale, filming locations for this show are all over Hamilton, Cambridge, Toronto and more.
For my 2021 Halloween Photo Series I decided to recruit a model to be a Handmaid and join me at several of these Handmaids Tale Filming Locations
Thank you to Victoria for standing in for a few and thank you to my good friend DecayingRay for sitting for the rest.
Thanks also to Jamie Mattiazzo for being the driver to bring Raven to all of the locations.
Lastly, thank you to the private landowners of many of these locations for allowing us to shoot and film on and in your properties!
Now, on with the show!
Blessed be the fruit!
Handmaids Tale Filming Location #1 - The Wall
In The Handmaids Tale “The Wall” is a tall concrete wall that defines the boundary of the city where The Handmaid’s Tale is set.
No one is allowed to pass the Wall, which is heavily guarded, without permission. The Wall has hooks attached which are used to display the bodies of executed, or salvaged men.
The heads of the bodies are usually covered by hoods; they often have placards around their necks to demonstrate for what crime they were executed.
The bodies serve as a warning to anyone thinking of committing subversive acts, and to further humiliate and punish the criminals.
Women are often hung on the Wall as well who disobey the laws of Gilead such as infidelity, unchastity, attempted escape, etc.
The actual location of this is Mill Race Park in Cambridge, Ontario Canada.
Note: All photos on the left side column on this page are from The Handmaids Tale.
All photos on the right hand side were taken by me.
Any photos in a gallery, not in 2 columns were taken by me.
Handmaids Tale Filming Location #2 - The Bridge
The location of this often seen bridge in the show is the Main Street Bridge in Cambridge Ontario and is just a few steps from “The Wall”
This bridge appears in several episodes of the Handmaids Tale in all seasons.
When showing scenes of Boston from before times, this bridge is shown as June and Moira are shopping as the resistance begins bombing.
The bridge is also a location that all Handmaids and Marthas have to cross after getting groceries at Loaves & Fishes, or when going back and forth from town.
Handmaids Tale Filming Location #3 - Storefront
This location is called Suave Boutique and it located at the end of the bridge in the images above.
The location was featured in Season 1 when Ofglen and Ofred are shopping, they stop in front of this window and Ofglen comments that they used to have the best iced cream here.
Handmaids Tale Filming Location #4 - Commander McKenzie's House
This location is from two pivotal episodes in Season 2, must of episodes 10 and 11 and filmed here at this locaion
The location is a large estate in Cruickston Park in Cambridge, Ontario just a 10 minute drive from “The Wall” and the bridge.
Just a short drive from here is also Langdon hall which appears in several episodes in Season 4
Handmaids Tale Filming Location #5 - Hidden Valley Rd Tunnel
This filming location was pivotal in Season 2, Episode 13 where June meets up with Commander Lawrence and Emily, with Nicole in tow.
The location is the Hidden Valley Road Bridge in Burlington, Ontario. It takes Hidden Valley Road beneath the highway 403.
Handmaids Tale Filming Location #6 - Waterfords House
This Handmaids Tale filming location is one of the most popular locations to visit amongst show fans.
At the corner of Bay Street South and Aberdeen in Hamilton you will find the Waterfords home, used extensively in Seasons 1-3 both interior and exteriors.
Handmaids Tale Filming Location #7 - Commander Lawrence's House
At the end of Season 2, Emily is taken to her new posting under Commander Lawrence, the show used Sunnyside Mansion in St George, Ontario as the exterior of this home.
The home is private property and I had asked the owners permission to capture some photos on the front lawn,
Photos Taken at Other Locations Inspired by The Handmaids Tale