How to Write A Self-Help Book That Will Actually Sell

If you are writing a self-help book, you should know that there are a few tricks and tips that can help your book get completed faster – all the way to the finish line. Writing a self-help book means that you will be writing with a very specific tailored audience in mind.

Establish Your Ideal Reader

If you want to write a self-help book and do it successfully, you obviously need to have an ideal reader in mind. If this is your first time writing a book, you might wonder what an ideal reader is in the first place. 

A simple explanation of that would be that an ideal reader is essentially your vision of who will pick up your book and get the most benefit out of it. Even if you aren’t writing a self-help book, you can imagine the type of reader who would want to pick up your book. 

So, when you are in the planning process of writing your book, you already know who your ideal reader is. 


Why to Choose an Ideal Reader?

Now, the reason why you need an idea reader is that it will help you to narrowly tailor your decision-making. The thing is that you will be making many different decisions when writing a book. There are countless different ways you can go and develop your characters. 

The truth is that while writing your self-help book, you will need some sort of filter to make your decisions and hold those decisions up against you as you go along the writing process and make your choices. 

This way, you will know that you will land with the reader at the end. 


How to Choose An Ideal Reader?

When it comes to choosing an ideal reader, you might want to start with picking someone you already know and love. We recommend choosing an actual human being who exists in your world. It should be someone you know and love. 

In its true essence, your self-help book is supposed to serve a function, which is to help people learn, change, and grow. You can get there quickly and easily when you are writing the book for someone you know and love.

Think about who that type of person is who could benefit from your book in your life. The person who is the ideal reader can be your family member, a client, or a colleague. They can be somebody you know who would really benefit from reading your book. 


Ask What Your Ideal Reader Needs to Know

When writing a self-help book that will actually sell, you need to ask yourself what the first thing that your ideal reader would want to know is. Ask yourself about what could potentially make a really interesting and exciting scene to capture the attention of your ideal reader. 

You must keep your ideal reader in mind the entire way through – while you are plotting the book out, creating the outline, and writing one chapter after the other. Speaking of writing, if you have an incredibly great idea for a self-help book but don’t have the time to write, you can hire canadian ghostwriters who are professional writers and can help you get your book out faster. 

The best part about hiring ghostwriters is that you get to publish the book in your name and keep all royalties. 


Write the Book from the Perspective of What Your Ideal Reader Wants

When writing your book, you should keep in mind what the ideal reader might want next and what your ideal reader would need to know to get the benefit of this book. After you have jotted down that piece, think about the next possible thing that your ideal reader would need to know. 

This way, you will be mapping out the chapters of your self-help book. The first thing that your ideal reader needs to know will make your first chapter. The second thing they need to know will actually make your second chapter. 

The third thing that your ideal reader needs to know will make your third chapter, and so on. If you look at how these steps work, you see that these aspects make an incredibly easy way to do something that can be incredibly hard for newbie authors, which is to create a basic outline for your book.


Write the Book As If You Are Talking to Your Ideal Reader

Now, the next part of writing a self-help book for your ideal reader is to establish the writing in a way that makes it seem as if you are talking to your ideal reader. This is the key to writing a successful non-fiction book. If you are writing fiction, then, of course, this rule isn’t applicable. 

It would help if you would imagine that you have your deal reader with you throughout the entire writing process. While they are with you, your goal is to teach them everything that you know about that topic of expertise that you have.

Think about the best possible way you can teach that specific topic of expertise that you have. What would you say and express yourself? Write the way you would talk on the page. As you write, imagine yourself simply talking to your ideal reader, who you already know and love, and you are sure that they will get a lot of benefits from your book.

Final Thoughts 

Once you know who your ideal reader is and you start writing your self-help book in a way that makes you seem like you are talking to them, this method becomes the ultimate game-changer. Why, you might ask? The reason is that you are no longer speaking to a massive audience, and you are no longer aware of how big this entire project might be. 

You get the point that it really comes down to having a conversation with that one person who happens to be your ideal reader. The reason why you need to know and love your ideal reader is because love is an important emotion, and it will keep you going, especially on your book journey as a first-time writer.