My trip to Saskatchewan was more about the photography than shooting videos, while I did shoot video everywhere I went, it was short and quick.
On this trip I wanted to capture photos as best as I could l, so far I am happy with the results!!
As I traveled south and then west, the skies were very hazy, you could smell and taste the smoke from the Alberta will fires, which made for some very dramatic skies.
Saskatchewan Travel Vlog Video
Saskatchewan Site Location Galleries

Big Muddy and Castle Butte Saskatchewan

Peace Lutheran Church Stonehenge Saskatchewan

Abandoned Roman Catholic Church at Fish Creek, Saskatchewan

Colourful and Crumbling Old Abandoned Prairie House

Two Creepy Abandoned Houses on the Same Street in Saskatchewan

Christ Lutheran Church – Abandoned Saskatchewan

Ascension of the Lord Ukrainian Church – Abandoned Saskatchewan

An Abandoned Time Capsule House in Saskatchewan’s Forgotten Kayville Ghost Town

The Heartbreaking Story of Saskatchewan’s Forgotten Kayville Ghost Town
Eaton Catalogue House

Ukrainian Church and Milky Way

Northen Lights and Abandoned House

Canada Geese and Wildfire Skies

As I travelled south and west in Saskatchewan the skies became more hazy and red, making for dramatic skies. I had stopped to capture photos of an old wooden bridge when I heard the calls of Canada Geese flying overhead.
Pronghorn Antelope

The Witch House

This was one of my favourite houses from my Saskatchewan trip, known as the witch house or the witch hat house!
Lone Abandoned House on a Hill - Dummer, Saskatchewan

While I was travelling through Saskatchewan back in May, I was on my way to visit the ghost town known as Dummer, located near the southern border of the province.
Off in the distance, close to my destination, I spotted this lone abandoned house in a field.
Since I was on my way to a ghost town, I paid little attention to this house.
I pulled into, what used to be, the ghost town of Dummer to find that it was gone, all of the houses and buildings demolished. This was a huge blow for me as I had driven a significant distance to see Dummer.
Wondering what to do at this point, I turned my car around to go get a photo of the small house I passed a few moments earlier.
This ended up being one of my favourite moments on this 4-day trip, the home was so old that it was no longer accessible by any kind of road or driveway. The only view of it was from a road surrounded by small hills and valleys and a small stream.
The remoteness of this home and the peaceful surroundings were exactly what I came here for, so after I captured my photos, I hung around for a while to enjoy the location before getting back on the road and heading to Regina, where I would spend the night in a Wal-Mart parking lot!

Truax, Saskatchewan

Immanuel Lutheran Church in Admiral, Saskatchewan