Exploring an Eastern Orthodox (Ukrainian) Church In The Middle of a Forest
You’ve heard other explorers say “abandoned in the middle of nowhere”, “abandoned in the middle of the woods” and “abandoned in the middle of the forest” right?
Guys, watch the drone footage at the opening of this video and you will see I am not joking when I say that this is an abandoned church in the middle of the forest.
This is the farthest and most remote abandoned location that I have ever explored in Canada. My car bottomed out several times on the way in and any times I thought that my car wasn’t going to make it.
I’ve got no idea what the story is with this abandoned church, but I think you guys will love this one even without a back story!
I received a message from someone associated with this location
“It’s not abandoned. It is in good condition because it’s maintained by the people who still go there. The property owner visits regularly.
Not sure when this was recorded but I dusted and swept up last week when I visited Not much to be done about the mice, unfortunately.
To settle the discussion in the comments – it’s Eastern Orthodox (Ukrainian).
It was built in the early 2000s (my dad helped build it) and it is intended for religious retreats. Although it’s on private property, random people seem to visit often.
Fortunately there have been no real issues with vandalism.”
Following this information I had a very pleasant conversation with the woman who owns it with her husband.