
Urban Exploration Abandoned Bowling Alley Engagement Photo Shoot

silly joke engagement photo shoot in an abandoned bowling alley

The Urban Exploration Abandoned Bowling Alley Engagement Photo Shoot

It was a beautiful summers day and I was out searching for Urban Exploration locations when I stumbled upon an Abandoned Bowling Alley.  I would cautiously enter this old dark art deco bowling alley and quickly get to work shooting photos and video footage.

I called up my exploring partner RiddimRyder as he won’t want to miss this one and places like this tend to not last very long, he met me shortly thereafter and we were off to the races.

We had spent a good 2 hours or so exploring and photographing and shooting video of every detail of this beautiful abandoned art deco bowling alley time capsule. When we were done we moved on to other locations, happy with the time we spent there.

Fast forward to the next day and I am at home editing pics and researching this unique old bowling alley when I come across an engagement photo shoot that was done in this very same bowling alley.

I quickly send a link to RiddimRyder and say….

Dude…we HAVE to go back to the abandoned bowling alley

And with that, the plans were set, we would head out early the next day and do one of the silliest things we have ever done, a re-creation (of certain shots) from the engagement shoot,

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silly joke engagement photo shoot in an abandoned bowling alley
This shot taken at the bar and cash area of the abandoned bowling alley took a few tries and as you can see, we were reluctant to get as close as the real pair


silly joke engagement photo shoot in an abandoned bowling alley
Here you can see how we kept the authenticity real as we could hardly contain our laughter, looking almost as happy as the real couple

silly joke engagement photo shoot in an abandoned bowling alley
Next we would move onto this photo which took about 15 very awkward tries to get it right. We had to accept that this was the best we could do as I couldn’t get up on my toes as high as Sanza and as much as RiddimRyder insisted, I would NOT lean in…


silly joke engagement photo shoot in an abandoned bowling alley
Here you can see just how HOT it was inside the bowling alley, i question why I wore that shirt knowing it was a hot day. And again, the obvious distance between us as we were committed to doing this, but not THAT committed!


silly joke engagement photo shoot in an abandoned bowling alley
Now THIS one took some work, I wasn’t able to light up the background as much as I wanted and as comfortable as Sanza looks in the left pic I could just not get my head to turn the way hers is. But I must say, while RiddimRyder isn’t smiling like Greg, he did nail the look of love!

silly joke engagement photo shoot in an abandoned bowling alley
Finally, this beautiful and simple shot, using my wedding ring, sadly my handwriting is not anywhere near as neat and perfect as Sanza’s.


This was a ridiculous idea but it was a blast to shoot and if you’re not having fun with what you do and if you take yourself too seriously…what are you really doing anyway

EDIT – This photo shoot has no relation with the original photographer or couple and was done in good honest fun, not in parody or making fun.

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