Urban Exploration First Quarter Review

In business they do a review of first quarter results so they can forecast and plan out the rest of the year, this is my Urban Exploration Photography Review.  Businesses review to make cuts where needed or spend more in key areas. Is spending up but profits down? Have gas prices had a negative affect on our bottom line? What is our competition doing right, or wrong?

I have no idea what I just said or what any of that means, but here is a look at my first quarter of Urban Exploration Photography for 2015

If anything, I have a surplus of lens distortion and I’m a bit heavy on edits in a few cases. International results are on par YTD but the coming months could shed some new light on this issue.

I am suffering from a severe shortage of “up highs” and wish I had a few more “down lows” but my surface level is showing significant progress.

Lets hope Q2 is just as strong!