
Abandoned Bowling Alley with Power

Abandoned Bowling Alley with Power | Urban Exploring with Freaktography and Forgotten Productions


Here we have an old abandoned bowling alley with power!  I explored this old bowling alley with Craig from Forgotten Productions, they had discovered and explored it briefly a few months before but never got a proper explore in, until now when we returned.

Reading the reviews online of this abandoned bowling alley, it’s no surprise that is has been closed down!  Many reviews complain of terrible food, terrible staff, overpriced food and drink and many more complaints.

The bowling alley had 24 total lanes with 12 upstairs and 12 downstairs as well as pool tables on both floors.

As we explored we noted that there were light switches in a back control room and when I flipped one on the disco balls lit up, all 3 of them!  As I continued to flip switches I was able to turn on almost all of the lights which made for a much easier explore and better quality video!

Huge thanks to Forgotten Productions for this one, you can follow them at all these links:




I’ve also explored a few more vacant bowling alleys such as this art deco abandoned bowling alley, and this other old bowling alley as well.

1 thought on “Abandoned Bowling Alley with Power”

  1. Amazing video and pics. I am a 5-pin bowling coach near Toronto. I mainly coach competitive youth 5-pin bowlers and we compete across Southern Ontario. I bowl 5-pin and 10-pin. Three red pins would be added to each machine during Glo-Bowl nights. Whenever 3 red pins set up randomly as 1 on the left corner, 1 on the right corner, and 1 in the front position all three together, then you would have to tell the front counter. Then they would announce your luck to all the other bowlers. If you got a strike with the red pins in the correct position, then you would win something, like a free game or a free beer. Please sign-up to my bowling website. If you have any more questions about bowling (5-pin or 10-pin) then please feel free to e-mail me anytime. With your permission, I am going to add your pics to my website with pics of other abandoned bowling alleys. You will find the other abandoned pics under the MORE tab. Thanks, Bob.

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