Abandoned Church of Amazing Light Urban Exploration Photography
An Urban Exploration Photography gallery from an abandoned church in Quebec. The natural light in this abandoned church was some of the best I have ever experienced
Built in 1956, this Catholic church served its community for many decades, the last date I can find it was used was some time in 2014, however I’m unable to determine why the church has been left closed and now abandoned in this condition.
Walking around the outside of this church, one would have no idea what to expect upon walking inside, as we made our entry we were immediately overcome by the sweet smell of decay and abandonment, accompanied by the thick uncomfortable feeling of breathing in hot stale humid air.
Getting right to work, RiddimRyder and I started shooting right away, the whole day was spent failing at location after location. After only a couple hours of sleep in my car, and getting up early to explore another abandoned church, the rest of our day was a huge failure. We were very happy to see that we had finally come to something amazing that we could both enjoy.
The pews are still perfectly lined up, there is heavy decay on the walls and ceiling and water damage in some places. Water is also pooling in some areas in the floor of the church. The altar area is the biggest surprise of this abandoned church, with its small multi coloured skylights, the allow an incredible amount of natural light in to light up the altar perfectly.
We both stayed in for quite some time, capturing this amazing abandoned church from every possible angle.
From the outside this abandoned church didn’t look like much, but as soon as we walked inside we were blown away by the smell of the thick humid air and the amount of decay on the walls.
The natural light in here was amazing, made even better by the many small square multi coloured skylights.
Freaktography: Abandoned Places, Urban Exploration, Photography of the normally unseen and off-limits.
Badly decaying walls, Christmas lights and small stained glass windows in an old abandoned church
Freaktography: Abandoned Places, Urban Exploration, Photography of the normally unseen and off-limits.
Black and White image of confession booths in an otherwise very colourful abandoned church
Freaktography: Abandoned Places, Urban Exploration, Photography of the normally unseen and off-limits.
Roll out the Red Carpet for Jesus…
I mean, there WAS a bit more to this church other than this amazing altar…but WHO CARES, because LOOK AT IT!
RiddimRyder and I had suffered quite a few fails on this day, we even failed on our first attempt at this church because some Nosey Parker was onto what we were doing…so we had to leave and come back later.
Our jaws hit the floor when we walked in and saw this sight and took a deep breath of that familiar smell of years of abandonment.
Freaktography: Abandoned Places, Urban Exploration, Photography of the normally unseen and off-limits.
Abandoned Church Altar Natural Light Wide Angle.
Freaktography: Abandoned Places, Urban Exploration, Photography of the normally unseen and off-limits.
An abandoned church that is very quickly gaining popularity amongst the Urban Exploration Photography scene.
I have been seeing some great photos out of this abandoned church. The interior is beautiful with a perfect amount of decay on the walls and these incredible multicoloured sky lights above the altar.
Freaktography: Abandoned Places, Urban Exploration, Photography of the normally unseen and off-limits.
An angled view of the altar, stained glass windows and sky lights in an old abandoned church
Freaktography: Abandoned Places, Urban Exploration, Photography of the normally unseen and off-limits.
A nice vertical wide angle shot of the amazing high ceiling of an old abandoned church
Freaktography: Abandoned Places, Urban Exploration, Photography of the normally unseen and off-limits.
Looking down the main aisle from the altar in this abandoned church
Freaktography: Abandoned Places, Urban Exploration, Photography of the normally unseen and off-limits.
Neatly Lined Pews in an Abandoned Church
Freaktography: Abandoned Places, Urban Exploration, Photography of the normally unseen and off-limits.
A nice big wide angle view of this amazing abandoned church
Freaktography: Abandoned Places, Urban Exploration, Photography of the normally unseen and off-limits.
Freaktography Abandoned Church
Freaktography: Abandoned Places, Urban Exploration, Photography of the normally unseen and off-limits.
5 thoughts on “Abandoned Church of Amazing Light Urban Exploration Photography”
I’m from montreal and I can tell you that churches are closed around here because they need an incredible amount money to keep running and we have the biggest amount of atheist in america right now …
They mostly are bought back by entrepreneurs who will convert them to condos …
Thank you, when I was in town I also explored another very large church that is being converted to condos
Beautiful! Any chance you can tell us where to find it in MTL? Would love to explore it
The natural light is awesome, it’s very relaxing. It’s too bad that this beautiful Church is abandoned. Here in Timmins, some Churches have closed, one is now a dance studio and the other is now a gym.
cross marlowe
hello, may I know the location of this church? I am looking for an abandoned place for a portait photoshoot. can you recommend a place? thanks so much
I’m from montreal and I can tell you that churches are closed around here because they need an incredible amount money to keep running and we have the biggest amount of atheist in america right now …
They mostly are bought back by entrepreneurs who will convert them to condos …
Thank you, when I was in town I also explored another very large church that is being converted to condos
Beautiful! Any chance you can tell us where to find it in MTL? Would love to explore it
The natural light is awesome, it’s very relaxing. It’s too bad that this beautiful Church is abandoned. Here in Timmins, some Churches have closed, one is now a dance studio and the other is now a gym.
hello, may I know the location of this church? I am looking for an abandoned place for a portait photoshoot. can you recommend a place? thanks so much