
Abandoned Wigamog Resort Ontario

Abandoned Ontario Luxury Resort., Photography, URBAN EXPLORATION, abandoned, abandoned exploring, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house full of contents, abandoned luxury resort, abandoned luxury resort ontario, abandoned ontario resort, abandoned photographers, abandoned photography, abandoned places, abandoned resort, abandoned resort ontario, abandoned resorts, abandoned time capsule house, bandoned photography, creepy, decay, derelict, everything left behind, exploring with freaktography, freaktography, freaktography abandoned, haunted, haunted places, luxury resort, time capsule house, urban exploration photography, urban explorer, urban exploring, urban exploring photographers, urbex, urbex photographers

Abandoned Wigamog Resort Ontario Urban Exploring Gallery

What you are looking at in this Urban Exploring gallery is the Abandoned Wigamog Resort in Ontario

I was told of this abandoned resort in 2016 by someone who follows my photography, but it’s far and remote location put it very low on the priority list for me….a decision I have come to regret.

In the summer of 2018 RiddimRyder, Carlo Paolozza and I took a road trip with this ontario luxury resort as one of our locations….within minutes of setting foot inside someone came running in barking at us and walked us out……so much for that!

Fast forward some time and I am on a solo urban exploring road trip hitting spots all over the province and this location is on my hit list.

I have a solid plan for exploring the abandoned resort undetected and this plan includes a sleepover. So, at the end of a very long day driving and exploring from morning until night, what a better way to end the day than by sleeping in the executive suite of this abandoned resort.

This abandoned resort dates back to the early 1900’s and peaked in popularity through the 80’s. it closed sometime around 2010 or 2011. The luxury resort was placed for sale and was purchased in early 2016 with plans to add a restaurant and some rooms to be opened that summer. Now, 2 years later there has been very little done.

My review of the resort:

I arrived late at night needing a place to sleep on a cold night, there were no lights on, there was no one at the reception and almost all of the doors were locked, very strange.

The first thing I noticed after checking myself in was the heat seemed to be turned off, so being very cold I went down to warm up in the hot tub or the heated pool, but they were both empty.

The gym needs some serious upkeep as there are pieces of the ceiling all over the treadmill and equipment

None of the TV’s worked in any of the rooms and I could not call room service because there were no phones!

Also a huge issue here is the lack of wifi, free or otherwise! I had to use my cell phone as an alarm because there was no power so the clock didn’t actually work….i ended up sleeping in because my phone died since I could not plug it in and charge it.

Positives: it was very quiet and i basically had the whole place to myself, except for the raccoons that i could hear scurrying about in the ceiling. I had an excellent sleep since it was so quiet, but i had to use extra blankets as it was very very cold!!

The view is to die for!

When I tried to pay, there were no people around to accept my money, so my stay must have been comped by ownership

2 thoughts on “Abandoned Wigamog Resort Ontario”

  1. Hey- I just got into urbex and uhm.. could you help me out? I’ve been trying to find addresses for places obviously so they dont get vandalized and any websites i do find are really old and the buildings have been demolished and such- Could you tell me a website or any addresses for good places, like this one for example?

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