Exploring the Abandoned St Catharines General Hospital and Autopsy Room
Exploring the Abandoned St Catharines General Hospital and Autopsy Room
Urban Exploring video and gallery inside the Abandoned St Catharines General Hospital and Autopsy Room. In the dark basement level is this autopsy room complete with stainless steel autopsy table, morgue, family viewing/identification room and a fridge full of human specimens taken from bodies during the autopsies last performed there.
The hospital had been closed for a couple of years but it was rumoured to have been patrolled by Guard Dogs, so no one attempted to gain entry.
My friend Ed had confirmed for me that the dogs are in-fact real after he had done some work inside the hospital,
Even after I had told RiddimRyder of this, he needed to see for himself and learned the hard way that he should have listened to me. He came inches from his ass becoming puppy chow to a nasty German Sheppard named “Satan”
Upon entry of this large hospital we headed right for the dark autopsy room to see the amazing stainless steel autopsy table.
Another sad part of this area was the viewing room where a deceased would be rolled in on a gurney while the family waits on the other side of the glass to confirm the identity of a dead person.
We spend hours inside this hospital, seeing the operating rooms, the delivery rooms, Xray rooms and more.
While inside the autopsy room we looked inside a small fridge that had been left behind only to find specimen jars that still contained human specimens taken from the final autopsies to take place at the hospital. They were labeled with things like “stomach contents”, “liver” and more…and yes – it smelled terrible
The Morgue and Autopsy Room in the Abandoned St Catharines General Hospital
Abandoned St Catharines General Hospital Photo Gallery
Behind the brown door is the entry way to the morgue and autopsy room in this old abandoned hospital in Ontario.
When you imagine the dark and creepy basement of an old hospital, or when you see the part in the scary movies when they wheel a body on a gurney through a long dark tunnel – this is that spot.
Enough with the dramatics, for real though this is that hallway leading to the morgue. The door on the right reads “BIOHAZARD” and leads to the autopsy room. The door to the far right leads into that room and the morgue.
The chalk board on the wall of the autopsy room in an abandoned hospital.
Human specimens left behind in the fridge of the autopsy room in an abandoned hospital.
The labels said “Liver”, “Stomach Contents”, “baby liver” and they all smelled just terrible
Quite simply, the stainless steel autopsy table in an abandoned hospital.
Dark Autopsy Room in abandoned hospital.
Tea Lights in Abandoned Hospital Autopsy Room
Todays photo is a simple one from an abandoned hospital, the photo has three places to direct your eyes.
Starting to the far left where you see the orange glow is the autopsy room, followed by the morgue fridge with shelving on the walls for personal belongongs. The room in the forground is where a gurney would be wheeled in from the fridge and the blinds would be opened for the identification room which is behind the glass, where family or loved ones would wait.
There was something very sad to me about the room behind that glass, thinking of all the people who had to come in and out of that door to conrfirm or identify a deceased loved one.
You can see all of the photos I’ve posted to-date from this old abandoned hospital on my website at https://freaktography.com/abandoned-hospital-and-autopsy-room/
In an old vacant/abandoned hospital where much of the equipment has been removed and many rooms in very bad shape, this was a very surprising find.
Given the rpace that technology is growing it’s likely that this radiology machine is now obsolete and of no use, hence the reason why it’s just sitting there.
It was a pleasant surprise, and oh yes – the gas masks came out and fun shots were taken!
That RiddimRyder, he can be pretty damn clumsy sometimes. You would think that he would know in a post apocalyptic world that he should be a bit more careful.
We were out scavenging for food and running from rabid dogs when his big clunky boots got caught on barbed wire. It’s a good thing Freaktography has a medical background and also knows how to tap into the power grid to make X-Ray machines work.
He shattered his tibia and his fibula, mangled his patella and had a very bad crack running the length of his femur.
It’s safe to say that his exploring career is over and I’ll have to do all heavy lifting when it comes to scavenging
Don’t bother checking our RiddimRyders instagram https://www.instagram.com/riddim_ryder/ or Facebook page because he’s now retired.
But you can follow me on instagram at www.instagram.com/freaktography
Left fully intact and undamaged is this C Arm Xray machine on the operating room level of an abandoned hospital.
C Arm XRay Control Panel in abandoned ontario hospital
In the upper floors of this abandoned hospital we found multiple delivery rooms such this one.
My friend Lowkey, who we have to thank for this location told us he was born in this hospital, possibly in this very room??
You can see his shots here and other places on his instagram feed at https://www.instagram.com/lowkeyimagedesign/
The surgical floor in an abandoned, er vacant hospital in Ontario, Canada.
This floor seemed to have the most in terms of interesting things to shoot from the xray machine, to operating rooms and delivery rooms.
You can see the photos I have posted so far including a video of the autopsy room, morgie and family viewing room on my website at https://freaktography.com/abandoned-hospital-and-autopsy-room/
I was very surprised to see how in rough shape some parts of this abandoned hospital were. Like this prep room on the operating floor of the hospital.
Fireplace and chandeliers in a mystery room in an abandoned hospital
Window Sunlight in Abandoned Hospital Hallway
A small beauty salon in an abandoned hospital
Waiting room, reception area and entrance to chemotherapy suites in an abandond hospital.
One of the chemotherapy suites in an old abandoned hospital in Ontario, Canada.
“Six Million Ways to Die – Choose One!”
RiddimRyder and I in the conference room of a large abandoned hospital, the room was pitch black and we were in the mood to be creative, so we busted out the tea lights and flashlights – and here is the result!!
Of all the awesome things there are to show you from this huge old abandoned hospital, I have to start with these – because who wants to take things so seriously all the time, right?
Exploring is about the experience, the history, the sights, the adventure and the risk – but what good is it if you can’t have some fun too??
The stained glass inside the chapel in an abandoned/vacant hospital in Ontario, Canada.
See more from this abandoned hospital on my website at https://freaktography.com/abandoned-hospital-and-autopsy-room/
1 thought on “Exploring the Abandoned St Catharines General Hospital and Autopsy Room”
Great pictures
I enjoyed this
Even though it was kinda creepy
Great pictures
I enjoyed this
Even though it was kinda creepy