
Exploring the Abandoned St Catharines General Hospital and Autopsy Room

Freaktography, abandoned, abandoned autopsy room, abandoned hospital, abandoned photography, abandoned places, autopsy specimens, creepy, decay, derelict, haunted, haunted places, human specimen, photography, specimen containers, urban exploration, urban exploration photography, urban explorer, urban exploring

Exploring the Abandoned St Catharines General Hospital and Autopsy Room

Urban Exploring video and gallery inside the Abandoned St Catharines General Hospital and Autopsy Room.  In the dark basement level is this autopsy room complete with stainless steel autopsy table, morgue, family viewing/identification room and a fridge full of human specimens taken from bodies during the autopsies last performed there.

The hospital had been closed for a couple of years but it was rumoured to have been patrolled by Guard Dogs, so no one attempted to gain entry.

My friend Ed had confirmed for me that the dogs are in-fact real after he had done some work inside the hospital,

Even after I had told RiddimRyder of this, he needed to see for himself and learned the hard way that he should have listened to me. He came inches from his ass becoming puppy chow to a nasty German Sheppard named “Satan”

Upon entry of this large hospital we headed right for the dark autopsy room to see the amazing stainless steel autopsy table.

Another sad part of this area was the viewing room where a deceased would be rolled in on a gurney while the family waits on the other side of the glass to confirm the identity of a dead person.

We spend hours inside this hospital, seeing the operating rooms, the delivery rooms, Xray rooms and more.

While inside the autopsy room we looked inside a small fridge that had been left behind only to find specimen jars that still contained human specimens taken from the final autopsies to take place at the hospital. They were labeled with things like “stomach contents”, “liver” and more…and yes – it smelled terrible

The Morgue and Autopsy Room in the Abandoned St Catharines General Hospital

Abandoned St Catharines General Hospital Photo Gallery

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