
Peak performance: Essential tips for mountain photography success

Peak performance: Essential tips for mountain photography success

Landscape photography is an incredibly popular hobby with over 16 million posts on Instagram using the landscape hashtag. One of the most spectacular geographical features on our planet is mountains. The sheer height and beauty of them attracts photographers from around the globe. 

If you want to take a trip to a mountainous area and capture the beauty in front of you, read on for some tips to take the perfect mountain photographs. 

Planning and preparation

There are so many destinations that are perfect for mountain exploration. Places such as Switzerland and Nepal show off the icy beauty of mountain ranges. If you are looking for warmer climes, then consider heading to the Dolomites in Italy. 

As with all outdoor photography, you will need to keep an eye on the weather. Research your chosen destination before you commit as some seasons will be wetter than others. Italy, for example, will be better to visit outside of winter to try and get some sunshine. 

When it comes to narrowing down the time of the day, think about natural lighting. Blue hour is the time just before the sun rises above the horizon which creates a cool-toned effect. This does mean getting up super early though! The golden hour is at the other end of the day, just before the sun sets. Photos taken around this time have a beautiful warm glow that contrasts well with the stone colours of the mountains. 

Clothing and personal gear

Mountains aren’t always the most accessible places to get to and set up a shot, so you will have to pack with a purpose. Lugging around unnecessary items all day could make you tired and could risk you getting hurt. 

When it comes to clothing, layers are key. If you are setting off very early in the morning for the blue hour you will want to stay warm. As the sun rises, however, the temperature will too so taking off those layers will help you keep an appropriate temperature. The reverse applies to the golden hour. 

Hiking boots are essential for this type of trip too. Make sure you break them in before you embark on an epic mountain hike to prevent blisters. If you are unfortunate enough to hurt yourself, a first aid kit is a lifesaver so make sure you pack one. 

Equipment for landscape photography

Having the right equipment for mountain photography will help determine the outcome of your photos. Obviously, a camera is essential. DSLR and mirrorless cameras are widely considered to be the best for landscape shoots. As well as having a range of settings for you to adjust, DSLR and mirrorless cameras have larger sensors which produce high-quality images. 

Getting a stable image can be hard on uneven ground, even if you are holding the camera. If you don’t want the extra weight of bringing a tripod with you then you could pack a digital level. This will allow you to find an even surface and help you create a beautiful image.