
Arash Missaghi and Canada’s Largest Abandoned Mansion

So here is a bit of an interesting story!

In 2020, I headed north to explore the Abandoned Peter Grant Mansion, often referred to as The Largest Abandoned Mansion in Canada.

As expected, the video and pics blew up pretty fast, given the location and how crazy the story of it is.

It was only a matter of time before someone associated with the property contacted me and asked me to take it down.

Some time passed and sure enough, I received an email from a lawyer claiming to represent the “very private” and wealthy property owner.  He advised me that his client is a very private man and does not want his property on the Internet etc.

He acknowledged my respectful way of exploring and knew I meant no harm, he asked that we avoid any costly lawsuits and trouble with the owner and requested that I take down the video and photos.

As I do, I apologize for the inconvenience and any upset I have caused and I took my stuff down and advised a few friends as well.

Then, curiously I did some research, I searched to see who owned the property, and I then searched the name of the lawyer.

The lawyer’s name was Troy Wilson and the man who owned the mansion and property was Arash Missaghi.  

My Google research quickly filled with dozens upon dozens of reports about this Missaghi guy with tales of fraud, property fraud, mortgage fraud, missing and murdered lawyers, cargo theft, drugs, guns, conspiracy to commit murder, the list goes on and on.

The “lawyer” who contacted me had an impressive list of charges himself, Participation in Criminal Organization, Fraud Over $5,000  (11 counts), Fraud Under $5,000,, Obtaining by False Pretence, Forging Trade Mark  (two counts).

So I’m here thinking, these people are idiots and I’m not taking a supposed lawyer with charges like that seriously – to hell with these guys.  So I put my pics and videos back up and never heard from them again…they seemed to have much larger concerns than some random guy and his video of an abandoned mansion 7.5 hours away!

It turned out that this Missaghi character was also involved in another property fraud case in Haileybury at an abandoned factory on Lakeshore Road.

Well, let’s now fast forward 4 years to just a few days ago – it seems that Arash Missaghi was still up to his old tricks of defrauding people of their money and property.  Missaghi and his literal partner in crime Samira Yousefi were shot dead this past Monday by a victim of their scheme.  

Sadly, the gunman also took his own life but left a note stating why he did this and this was all due to Missaghi, Yousefi and two other people who were responsible for his life savings being lost.

I thought I would post this as it has slight relevance to one of my more popular abandoned locations and because I seem to have had some contact with this piece of trash through a third party – also a piece of trash!

Mr Missaghi was no longer the owner of the properties in Haileybury at the time of his death.

Here is the content that I was asked to remove:

Here is the other property in Haileybury that Arash Missaghi was charged over

2 thoughts on “Arash Missaghi and Canada’s Largest Abandoned Mansion”

  1. Hope their deaths were horrific, painful and slow…. RIP to Alan (the defrauded shooter)

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