The Routes to Inspiration: Keys to Consider When Your Creative Well Has Run Dry

When we are out exploring the horizons hunting for the perfect image, there can be times when everything seems uninspiring. In many ways, a photograph should be about capturing a moment, but we can end up taking the same type of photo of the same type of moment way too much, or we’ve become wise to the structure of an image. 

Creativity is something that doesn’t always flow like water, and in fact, we can easily lose it. In terms of inspiration and creativity, it’s vital that we take a multifaceted approach. Here are a number of things to get those creative juices flowing again:

Invest in a Piece of Tech

It doesn’t always sound like an ideal solution, especially for photography purists, but sometimes getting a different lens, camera, or piece of tech that forces us to re-evaluate our approach to taking shots can be a perfect way to give ourselves a creative jolt. Something like a drone is a very good example because you instantly have access to a wider canvas, and various DJI drones and other types can be an excellent way for you to see things differently. 

Many people actively shirk technology because it isn’t in line with their way of working or too sterile, but you don’t necessarily have to use it to replace your current setup; it’s all about getting that inspiration. Sometimes it can open us up to a whole heap of possibilities. Photography editing software is another good example because it helps us to make certain little changes that result in a perfect picture. You might be someone who’d rather capture the action, or you want everything to be just so; either way, technology can be an excellent addition to your arsenal.

Change Your Environment

While one of the greatest things about being a photographer is that you have to put yourself into different environments. If you are someone who does one type of photo, you need to start looking at different scenarios. 

Changing your environment is not just excellent in terms of photography, but it can also create new thought patterns. When we are attempting to spark some form of creativity, we’ve got to do things beyond what we’re used to. Taking a new walking route is one simple example that can completely change how you think about things, and even brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand is another way to start picking up the slack on the other side of the brain. 

The brain is such a complex system that giving it new stimuli can reward you in so many different ways. When we refresh our minds by changing our approach to work, we can see whole new possibilities that were actually staring us in the face all along.


As simple as it sounds, when we are experiencing a lack of inspiration or creative blocks, it can be either due to the barriers we’ve put up ourselves or the fact that we’ve exhausted the well. What’s more, fatigue in our lives can trigger creative blocks. If we’re doing something day in and day out, and there’s no inspiration anymore, the best solution is to step away. What you can do here is to either put your camera down completely or do something different. Something like writing exercises can be an excellent tool to help you think of new ways of creating, and if photography is something that runs right through you, taking the time to jot down ideas and thoughts can help you overcome creative barriers. 

Sometimes we just need to sit and be still, which means that the chaos that’s swirling around our minds can settle, and we can see through this metaphorical storm. But we also need to remember that if we’re experiencing fatigue or stress in other parts of our lives, having the opportunity to recharge mentally and physically can make all the difference. 

It’s something we don’t necessarily encourage in the modern world because we constantly have to be on the go. But rest is such an old-fashioned medicine that endures. We don’t believe that we should rest and recuperate, especially now we’ve got social media and the internet occupying our brains, but we have to learn how to quieten the mind because this will foster creativity and different ways of thinking. Not everybody is so keen on meditation, but meditation is one of those things that at its core is about learning to embrace stillness. This means that whether you don’t like the idea of sitting cross-legged going “om” or you would benefit more from something like non-sleep deep rest, which is an excellent way to recharge your mind when you don’t get much sleep, you can start to see through the wood and the trees and gain a bit more clarity.

Throw Out the Baby With the Bathwater!

When our creativity has gone, it’s partly to do with the fact that we are doing the same thing in the same way. We’ve already said about how changing your environment can foster new ways of thinking, but when it comes to things like photography or any form of creativity where there appears to be a skill or a format, the most amazing thing about it is that actually we don’t need to stick to rules. 

If this is a hobby, you don’t need to think about lighting or visual composition methods. Sometimes we just need to rip it all out and start again. Learning to see things differently is about challenging our own preconceptions of what creativity actually is. Creativity is a form of expression, and therefore, once you start to do things that are not actually expressing who you are, this is the perfect time to completely reevaluate everything you know. If you’ve been studying photographers for a long time, sometimes taking that “method actor” approach and looking at someone else and emulating their style while adding your unique twist can foster your inspiration and develop skills. 

You don’t even have to stick to photography. Look at how you would create an image with a different type of media, whether it’s design, writing, or film. Mixed media approaches to creating art can help you look at things in a different way. That “imitate and innovate” approach might be all you need to figure out a different way into your photography.


If you are wondering how to overcome creative blocks or get more inspired, sometimes identifying the root cause can help you to unravel it. It could be a lack of motivation, fear of failure, or pressure. When you address these things and break down these problems into smaller parts, you can start to recognize that mistakes are part of the learning process, but you then can refresh your mind with different perspectives. 

This is why socializing and interacting with other photographers will give you fresh insights. Sometimes we just need to unlearn what we have learned because creativity should be about learning something new every single time. We can sometimes feel that we’ve gone as far as we can go, and while you may believe that now is a time to put down your camera, if you do this, go back to the drawing board. 

Spend time with other photographers or participate in photography projects and or workshops, or you could actually start to teach photography. Teaching photography is something that you might not have thought about, but it provides that perfect opportunity to impart your learned wisdom, but you are also then engaging with other people who have a unique perspective on the subject matter at hand. We should never have an ego when it comes to creativity, and if we believe our way is the right way, this can be a major trap that teachers fall into. To get inspired, sometimes we need to re-evaluate our relationship with the subject. Teaching something is a whole different challenge within itself and could make all of the difference.

Set Yourself a Brief

If you are losing all sense of inspiration, finally, you may benefit from limiting your resources. Creativity is about letting your mind go wild, but sometimes working to a modus operandi can help focus your mind. 

Setting specific boundaries or themes can push the boundaries of your creativity, and this is something we don’t always bear in mind because if the world serves as inspiration, there’s potentially too much choice. Sometimes the most creative results come from when we set specific boundaries, whether it’s a time limit or a running theme.


Finding inspiration and creativity can be about so many different blockages within ourselves that it can be hard to see the light. We don’t always get inspired, and while some of these ideas may resonate, we also have to make peace with the fact that we’re not always going to feel like there is something new out there. Inspiration can be just as much about figuring out who we are as much as it is about experiencing the outside world. Our images are our filter of the world, and if you incorporate any of these strategies into your creative process, this can serve you well.