
Abandoned Twilight Zone Time Capsule Mansion

The Abandoned Twilight Zone Mansion Time Capsule House

Abandoned Twilight Zone Time Capsule Mansion

Yes, this is an abandoned time capsule mansion with a time capsule apartment that is consumed with black mould. I am calling this location the Abandoned Twilight Zone Mansion, you will see why as you read on below.

So, I often advise that you should be following RiddimRyder Photography and Zenning with Zay, and I really do hope that you’ve listened!

The last 2 weeks they have been posting possibly the BEST find of the year. It has all the things you want to see in our locations all wrapped up on one!

– Abandoned Mansion
– Lots of Decay
– High Risk
– Abandoned Time Capsule

I can honestly say that I have never experienced an abandoned house such as this one!!!

I (and we) owe them both a huge thanks for sharing this one with me, it was such a great explore!

Not only was it a pain in the ass to get to, not only was it full of decay, not only were the walls coated in deadly black mould (yes I wore my respirator), AND not only did it contain a secret hidden fully in tact time capsule apartment within the mansion….but there was also a large Turkey Vulture trapped inside the house, with very sharp tallons and he could have came at me at any point during my explore!

So picture this…

You are in a large abandoned mansion, decay is everywhere, you are possibly being stalked by a turkey vulture who is stuck in the house.

There is a person on the property right next door and you have no idea if this is also his property.

You enter the garage and there is an SUV parked inside, however the tires are flat and plates are from 2015

The mansion is empty, but the decay is amazing, you figure the rest of the house is this way.

You then find a door and outside of that door are a pair of sandals looking as if someone has just come home….

This has been one of the strangest experiences ever for me in an abandoned house and I will be telling you the story and showing the photos all week

This is a large abandoned home that splits into three wings. The home seems very commercial throughout, with business like doors, windowed corridors connecting each wing and stale white walls. There is a beautiful stone fireplace in the main room central to all three wings that has a loft above it. The skylights are leaking, there are holes in the roof, and water damage is quite apparent through as most of the walls and ceilings are coated with a thick toxic black mould.

Down one wing, there is a garage with vehicles still inside. The license plate stickers expired in 2015. Beyond this garage is an apartment with everything left behind. Although everything left behind is very modern – it is still very much a time capsule in a sense, as it has all the belongings exactly as they were left, rotting away – frozen in time. It seems as if an Asian family lived there with their daughter. There was a mortgage renewal statement left on the table for the year of 2014. My guess is that they went home to visit family and never came back, were gone longer than the country allows, or something along those lines. There was a notice on the door from the city notifying them of a court date for repossession of the house and land. That date has now come and gone and I’m sure the wheels are in motion for deciding the fate of this property as we speak… no doubt it will be demolished considering the levels of toxic black mould throughout.

It’s unclear as to why the family was only living in one wing. We don’t know for certain why they never came back. But one thing is certain… this was a very strange and interesting place to explore with a different story than we’re used to imagining.

Credit to Zenning with Zay for the write up

The Abandoned Mansion


The Abandoned Time Capsule Apartment

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