
5 Abandoned Houses on One Street | Abandoned Mansions

5 Abandoned Houses on One Street

In a city near Toronto Ontario there is a road with 5 abandoned house on one street.  The houses are all rather large and still in very good condition, on the west side of the street there are three single family abandoned houses.  The existing homes will be demolished to make way for 8 new buildings at 3 stories each with 44 units.

On the east side there are two large homes that will be demolished to make way for 77 residential tow homes.

Home #1 – The Abandoned Mitsubishi Mansion


Abandoned Mansion #2 – The Staircase Mansion

The second house on this street full of amazing abandoned homes and mansions is the Staircase Mansion.  There wasn’t a whole lot to it inside but the staircase is like nothing I have ever seen before!!


Abandoned Homes 3, 4 and 5


These three homes, all situated in a row will be soon demolished to make way for a multi unit residential condo subdivision, as with the two homes across the street.  This development has cost 5 families their homes with front and back yards in order to squeeze dozens upon dozens of people into smaller condo residences.

Home #3 The Italian Home

Home #4 – The Creepy Dolls House


Home #5 – The “Castle” Mansion

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