
Abandoned Ontario Historic Church | Abandoned Church

Wide angle urban exploration photograph of an abandoned church

Exploring an Abandoned Ontario Historic Church | Abandoned Church

I have been watching this Abandoned Historic Church for between 1 and 2 years waiting for my chance to explore her and she what she looks like inside, to see what surprises are held behind those old brick walls of the old abandoned church.  I had tried everything I know to get access to this large old historic church and never was I able to get inside.

On a random work night I would take a drive just to see if maybe today would be the day…but that day never came.

Then….2 days after we tried getting permission we saw that someone had posted photos from inside the church…..they beat us to it, but that’s okay….I just wanted in.

On a tuesday afternoon I headed to the site to confirm it was true, and it was. I was finally inside and wandering the halls and the sanctuary and the balconies of this beautiful old church that had denied me for so long.

It didn’t take me more than 5 minutes to find my way to the bell tower of the abandoned church, i climbed 2 flights of stairs, then up a rickety old ladder where I was finally near the belfry. The first level contained the contraption used to pull on the cables that activated the bells…this is called a carillon.

From this level of the Abandoned Church, I had to climb another tall rickety ladder to access the hatch into the belfry, but as soon as i opened the hatch I had to back away as the pigeon feces was thick and the last thing I need is do die of Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis or worse. i would have to come back with my respirator.

I would climb her three times, I was surprised to find that the carillon was still there and in such good condition as most of the contents of the abandoned church have been sold off in an auction.

In the belfry, the heavy bells are dated 1913 and built in Baltimore MD by the McShane Bell Foundry. I learned tonight that the old bells have been sold to a church in Cincinnati.

They will probably come down once the demolition starts and they dismantle the tower.



2021 Abandoned Church Update

Having been well sealed for several years as well as being used for film, and TV productions, there was a window of opportunity to get back inside and explore the abandoned church once again.  Photos I had seen showed that the interior had been cleaned out and there were additions made for a film production.

It was a pleasant surprise to get inside again and see the place once again, having ben cleaned up quite significantly

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1 thought on “Abandoned Ontario Historic Church | Abandoned Church”

  1. What is the name of the church? I’m looking for locations like this for filming purposes. Trying to find who to reach out to for permission.

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