
Adam Shoalts Interview and Book Review – The Whisper on the Night Wind

Explorers and Exploring Defined

From the earliest recorded history books, since the dawn of time, there have always been explorers.  

  • According to the Oxford dictionary, an explorer is defined as a person who explores an unfamiliar area; an adventurer.
  • Merriam Webster defines it as a person who travels in search of geographical or scientific information
  • Collins defines it as someone who travels to places about which very little is known, in order to discover what is there.
  • National Geographic states that Explorers are infinitely curious people who are passionate about our planet and making it a better place.
  • In the depths of the ocean, Explorers reveal underwater worlds that sustain life on Earth. In subterranean caves, they investigate our ancient past and the very roots of humanity. At the edge of extinction, they courageously work to end wildlife trafficking and protect species at risk. On the frontlines of conservation, they help safeguard fragile ecosystems for future generations. They are driving cutting-edge technology and pushing the limits of what is possible.

We have space explorers, ocean explorers, wildlife explorers, wilderness explorers and, yes – even urban explorers.

You would think that now, in the year 2021 that everything there is to be explored and discovered has been done, but you would be wrong…very wrong.

Earth’s wild places still hold an astonishing number of secrets and mysteries, i bet you didn’t know that within the last 5 years – several new species of animals, previously unknown to mankind have been discovered?

Purchase “The Whisper on the Night Wind” here:



I discovered Adam Shoalts on social media in August of 2021 just as he was about to head off on a wilderness adventure:

“My friend Zach and I have reached our jumping off point for our expedition to retrace and investigate parts of explorer David Thompson’s route through the Rockies. 

This will be my last update for a while. From here on out we are off road, and out of reception, travelling on foot and raft through the mountains”

This post immediately had me hooked, this guy was taking off, disconnected from the world, cut off from all communication.

In an incredible bit of serendipity, Adam also discovered me at the same time, in the exact same way – a suggested social media post.

Adam, seeing similarities in what we do as explorers, reached out to me and asked if I would like to collaborate on a book review of his latest book “The Whisper on the Night Wind”

Freaktography and Adam Shoalts Interview Video

Purchase “The Whisper on the Night Wind” here:



My Review of The Whisper on the Night Wind, by Adam Shoalts

The Whisper On The Night Wind Combines History, Adventure And Mystery Into 26 Chapters And 239 Pages

If You’re A Fan Of One , Two Or All Three Of Those Three Topics, You Will No Doubt Love This Book

As An Explorer Myself, I Personally Loved The Parts Of The Book That Described The Challenges And Difficulties That Adam And Zack Endured In Their Search For The Elusive Traverspine Monster

Backed By History And Real Life Encounters By Those Who Experienced It, I Anticipated Every Page And Chapter To Finally Get To The End To See What Happens, And I Wasn’t Disappointed

Adam Shoalts Takes Us On A Highly Detailed Adventure, Making Us Feel As Though We Are Right There With Him In The Wilderness Of Labrador

The Noises In The Night, The Close Calls And Encounters With Other Wildlife As Well As The Unseen And Unknown Things That Are Undeniably There Will Make Even The Most Seasoned Explorers Question If They Could Survive What Adam And Zack Endured

I Highly Recommend The Whisper On The Night Wind For Its Detail, Its Mystery And For The Fact That Is Has Inspired Me To Push More Boundaries And Limits As An Explorer, And I Hope It Does The Same For You


Thanks So Much To Adam Shoalts For This Opportunity, You Can Purchase The Whisper On The Night Wind At The Links In The Video Links Below

Me and Adam Shoalts, Playhouse Theatre Hamilton


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